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Westworld Awakening (Steam VR)

Westworld Awakening (Steam VR)

Westworld Awakening (Steam VR)

System: HTC Vive & Oculus Rift
Price at Time Of Review: £23.79
Comfort Rating: Yellow
Genre: Adventure
Input: Tracked Motion Controllers
Best Playing Position: Standing or Sitting
Multi-Player: No
Age Rating: 15+
VR Shop Score 1/100: 85

Description: “Westworld Awakening” is a narrative-driven experience played from the perspective of Kate – a host who has attained self-awareness. To survive a dangerous underworld where no one and nothing is what it seems, you must overcome an entire world designed to destroy and enslave you.

Review: While some people will dismiss ‘Westworld Awakening’ as little more than a trailer for the TV series, if you take the time to get into it you will find quite a deep adventure that while very linear still feels engaging and immersive. Graphically the game is AAA quality and looks amazing from start to finish (if a little too dark in some places), but it is the storyline that really carries this game. I do think it is a little darker than people might like as the game is a survival horror after all, but it has the right amount of content and quality to justify its own rather high price tag. Sure, it might polarise peoples opinions, but unless you give it a go yourself you might never know if you will enjoy it or not.

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