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VR Meditation SkyRun (Steam VR)

VR Meditation SkyRun (Steam VR)

System: Oculus Rift Only
Price at Time Of Review: £0.79
Comfort Rating: Green
Genre: Relaxation and Meditation,
Input: Tracked Motion Controllers,Keyboard & Mouse
Best Playing Position: Sitting
Multi-Player: No
Age Rating: PG
VR Shop Score 1/100: 20

Description: You are welcome to meditate and enjoy the atmosphere of peace and phantastic run of time in a silence high in mountains.

Review: VR Meditation SkyRun is little more than a virtual space to relax and unwind in. With a few text words flying towards you to read for some reason and a pretty good landscape that keeps going from night to day. And yep! That is all this game offers! It might only cost £0.79 but I would have expected a little more for that price. Sure, it’s a nice virtual place to relax in, but that is all it is and the text is pretty annoying if you ask me. It could have been something OK with a few more options, but at the moment it is not worth the small asking price as there are many other relaxation apps that are far better and of course free.

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