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The SoulKeeper VR (Steam VR)

The SoulKeeper VR (Steam VR)

The SoulKeeper VR (Steam VR)

System: Valve Index, HTC Vive & Oculus Rift
Price at Time Of Review: £15.49
Comfort Rating: Red
Genre: Action
Input: Tracked Motion Controllers
Best Playing Position: Sitting
Multi-Player: No
Age Rating: 15+
VR Shop Score 1/100: 70

Description: The SoulKeeper VR is an episodic dark fantasy Virtual Reality Role Playing Game. Experience the immersive world of Gerindak, filled with lore and adventure, as you play through the intertwining stories of various characters. Start off as Isoropos, a warrior monk, member of the ancient monastic order of the Lavordians as you embark on a dangerous quest to investigate rumours surrounding the Mardonians, the hated rivals of the Lavordians. Engage in combat wielding your sword, casting ferocious spells, utilizing your staff, or shooting arrows, all while treading on a treacherous path brimming with daunting enemies, towering beasts and deadly traps.

Review: The SoulKeeper VR was supposed to be The Elder Scrolls of VR. Sadly for this game, we now have our very own Elder Scrolls VR game. But that is not why this game gets such a slamming in the review sections. Sadly this game is just an unfinished mess of a game with some of the lamest action you will find in an action game. Most of the work has gone into the graphics which are amazing, even the storyline is interesting and helps drive the game, but it is the countless bugs and glitches that will prevent you from playing this game all the way to the end which is sadly only about 2 hours away.

Throw in the £15.49 asking price and you have a game that needs a lot more work in order to be considered playable and near finished. Given the last time the game was updated, I wouldn’t hold you breathe waiting for those updates to come. It’s definitely worth about half that asking price even with the bugs and problems it has, but I wouldn’t pay much more than that for it.

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