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The Assembly

The Assembly (Steam VR)

The Assembly (Steam VR)

VR Shop Score – Gold Award

System: Valve Index, HTC Vive & Oculus Rift
Price at Time Of Review: £19.99
Comfort Rating: Yellow
Genre: Adventure
Input: Tracked Motion Controllers, Gamepad, Keyboard & Mouse
Best Playing Position: Sitting
Multi-Player: No
Age Rating: 15+


Description: A first-person interactive story for mature audiences, The Assembly is a long-form game designed from the ground up for VR. Play as two individuals and discover a morally challenging organisation from contrasting perspectives. Face trials, investigate the Assembly’s secret bunker and make tough decisions. But will your actions and their repercussions save lives… or lead to catastrophe?

Review: This deep story-driven, first-person adventure game places you in the role of two different scientists. One called Madeleine and the other Caleb. When they do meet, these two scientists both have their own sperate story. These two people are in fact two sides of the same story as you start to learn what The Assembly is all about and what it stands for. You learn by completing various tasks. Some are puzzles and some are murder mysteries, they will help you grow the storyline and learn what is going on. With some good voice acting and lots of really believable characters, it does feel like you are playing a cheap sci-fi movie.

While at times the game looks amazing and can feel immersive you never really feel like part of the story, more an observer who doesn’t really know what is going on. But that doesn’t matter because it will soon be over before it has even started due to the low gameplay hours. While there are alternative endings to see, this won’t encourage you to play it through again. A good adventure while it lasts, but you might be bored with the story plot earlier than that.

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