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SpaceVibes (Steam VR)

SpaceVibes (Steam VR)

SpaceVibes (Steam VR)

System: Oculus Rift Only
Price at Time Of Review: £3.99
Comfort Rating: Yellow
Genre: Shooter
Input: Tracked Motion Controllers
Best Playing Position: Standing
Multi-Player: No
Age Rating: PG
VR Shop Score 1/100: 45

Description: An Artistic VR “Shooter” Game For Everyone! Enter space and enjoy shooting flying objects with a laser gun while jamming out to the SpaceVibes soundtrack! A game without gore, that doesn’t encourage shooting living things… In fact, you can’t!

Review: I kind of see what the developer was going for with ‘SpaceVibes’, this trippy shooter is supposed to be fun and exciting, without all the gore and killing that most shooters turn out to be. But sadly it does fail to be the most basic of things which is fun to play. I like the effects and things as you look about trying to shoot things without having a seizure, but it gets boring far too quickly and the effects far too boring. If this was a free game I might have reconned it for a download, but it costs £3.99 which is simply not justified. If you get this for pennies in a bundle you might enjoy it more than I did, but even then it is not something you will play more than once.

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