System: Samsung Gear VR, Oculus Go
Price at Time Of Review: £3.99 ($5)
Comfort Rating: Yellow (Mild Movement)
Genre: Action
Input: 3 Dof Controller
Best Playing Position: Sitting, Standing
Multi-Player: No
Age Rating: PG
Description: Test your mettle in Space Maze – game built for VR. Immerse yourself in the wonderful virtual world of the future and stand at the helm of your own spaceship! Manoeuvre between deadly asteroids with skill, avoid unexpected obstacles and find your way out of a complicated maze. Only the fastest, smartest and the agilest survive in these alien tunnels! Complex routes, vicious killer-drones, amazing upgrades, dozens of unexpected turns and traps – all of these await you in the new VR game Space Maze! Only the bravest and the agilest will succeed! Are you proud of your agility and reaction?
With its smooth graphics, deep 3D effects and trance music, this is a game you can easily get immersed in. But I still felt I had to give this game a silver, not a gold because I did feel it was a little overpriced. Don’t let that award put you off, because grabbing this game in a sale, or if money isn’t a factor in a good game and you will find yourself enjoying it. But for those of us who expect good value for money, it is best to choose this game with caution.