The VR Shop

VR, AR, MR and AI News and Reviews

Shooter's Alley

Shooter’s Alley (Oculus Go & Gear VR)

Shooter's Alley (Oculus Rift)

The VR Shop - Silver Award
System: Samsung Gear VR, Oculus Go
Price at Time Of Review: Free
Comfort Rating: Green (No Movement)
Genre: Range Shooter
Input: Touchpad, Gamepad, Gear VR Controller
Best Playing Position: Sitting, Standing
Multi-Player: No
Age Rating: PG

Description: Every night after midnight all of the local folk gather at “Shooter’s Alley” for a little bowling. The proprietor of this alley, his friends call him Shooter, added a little twist to the game to make it a bit more exciting. You guessed it…big shiny guns. You better leave the kiddies at home for this one. So leave your common sense at the door and come in guns blazin’ to “Shooter’s Alley” for a rockin’, rip roarin’, raucous, good time!

Review: I have to admit that I went into this game kind of hoping for a good VR bowling sim. But that is not what this game is. This is a shooting game where the aim of the game is to shoot down the skittles (pins) with a pistol, machine gun, sniper of go overkill and knock them down with a rocket launcher! If you think it sounds like one crazy game you are on the right track.

As long as you don’t expect anything too serious this game can be a laugh. The graphics are more than adequate and the sound is OK. To be fair the aiming of the gun is pretty accurate and even more so when you use the sniper rifle. Download and play this game because it’s a laugh, not because it’s a bowling simulator (which it isn’t).

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