The VR Shop

VR, AR, MR and AI News and Reviews




The VR Shop - Bronze Award
System: Valve Index, HTC Vive & Oculus Rift
Price at Time Of Review: £15.49
Comfort Rating: Green (No Movement)
Genre: Action
Input: Tracked Motion Controllers
Best Playing Position: Sitting, Standing, Room-Scale
Multi-Player: No
Age Rating: 15+

Description: SAMURAI CHALLENGE is a VR Action Game which tests your skills as a samurai. Awaken your inner samurai as you face enemies in virtual environments modelled after the lands of medieval Japan on which samurai fought. Draw your sword and prepare to strike down foes as they charge at you.

Review: Despite its title being all in capital letters ‘SAMURAI CHALLENGE’ doesn’t shout as loudly as it could. It’s a sword-swinging action game in which you have to fight off waves of enemies. Some are normal samurai and some are on horseback. It looks OK from the start and I did find myself having some fun with it. But you soon start to realise how shallow the game is and the game soon gets too chaotic for words as it just throws more and more enemies at you. They don’t get any harder to fight, there are just more of them and the frame rates soon dip to silly levels even when running on my 3090 TI!

If this game cost just a few quid I might have still suggested you give it a try because at first, you can find yourself enjoying it. But the more you play it, the more faults you discover and it makes you regret spending so much on it. With some changes, this could be well worth a look, but for now, it is best off left alone to grow.

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