VR Shop Score – Bronze Award
Price at Time Of Review: £22.99
Comfort Rating: Red (Extreme Movement)
Genre: Party / Mini Games
Supported Controllers: Oculus Touch
Best Playing Position: Standing, Sitting, Roomscale
Multi-Player: No
Age Rating: PG
Description: Sam is a dog with a hat. Max is a hyperkinetic naked rabbity thing. Together, they’re the Freelance Police, the intergalactically famous agents of indiscriminately applied justice, now starring in their umpteenth video game, Sam & Max: This Time It’s Virtual! Even multimedia evil-slappers like Sam & Max could use a hand, and this time they’re using the incomprehensible magic of virtual reality to invite the player into their off-kilter world for a furious day of monster-slaying, obstacle courses, responsibly discharged firearms, and, of course, saving the entire freaking world.