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RuneSage (Steam VR)

RuneSage (Steam VR)

RuneSage (Steam VR)

System: Valve Index, HTC Vive & Oculus Rift
Price at Time Of Review: £6.99
Comfort Rating: Green
Genre: Adventure
Input: Tracked Motion Controllers
Best Playing Position: Standing or Sitting
Multi-Player: No
Age Rating: PG
VR Shop Score 1/100: 80

Description: After the great storm, the crystals used by the mages to protect the world shattered and were lost. The Sacred Grove now lies empty. You answer their call for help – your quest; to find and restore the crystals before the next storm arrives. It soon becomes clear however, that all is not quite as simple as it first seems.

RuneSage is an immersive open world Virtual Reality RPG Adventure game for the HTC Vive or Oculus Rift & Touch. As a sage from humble beginnings, you’ll search the land for nature’s runes of power, then use them to cast spells to solve puzzles that aid you on your quest. Explore mazes in a forest teeming with wildlife, sail across lakes to reach distant shores, delve into dark and ancient caves, and search the ruined castle and its dungeons while menacing vultures circle overhead. Can you find the scrolls of knowledge, recover the lost crystals and protect the world from the gathering storm?

Review: RuneSage was the first big open-world game I ever played in VR so I do have a big fondness for it. You search the medieval lands looking for magical crystals which you will find from maps and even the odd signpost so a expect to do a lot of exploring here, but you can choose your locomotion method which is a nice touch. You will also be casting spells and this is done from making patterns in the air with your wand which does make the game feel even more immersive. But for me, it is the lack of monster that made it special. It makes the game more relaxing, more immersive as it is mostly just me in the world and a few other NPC’s. Sure, it looks a little basic but for £6.99 you are getting a 10 hour+ adventure here which more than justifies the asking price. OK, so its no Skyrim VR, but it’s still well worth a look.

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