The VR Shop

VR, AR, MR and AI News and Reviews



VR Shop Score – Bronze Award

System: Valve Index, HTC Vive, Oculus Rift & Windows MR
Price at Time Of Review: £13.99
Comfort Rating: Green
Genre: Interactive Experience,
Input: Tracked Motion Controllers
Best Playing Position: Sitting, Standing, Room-Scale
Multi-Player: Yes
Age Rating: PG


Description: PYTHIAN is a hard dance XR experience available worldwide. Within the realm of PYTHIAN you will find the hardest live performances that ever took place in VR. Let us reform your reality and witness the power of a virtual escape.

Review: It has to be said ‘PYTHIAN’ is both kind of genius and kind of crap at the same time. In short, this hard dance experience tries to put you into some of the biggest dance music gigs you have ever seen, with top dance-music artists like N-Vitral & Crypsis. It does this by placing you in an empty room that shows a 2D flat video on one wall and the room is then filled with the lights and lasers that fit almost perfectly from the video. In terms of ideas for VR apps its genius and works surprisingly well with a lot of effort being clearly made to perfectly match the light effects to those, you see on the 2D video. But here is the bad part…

That is ALL it is! You get 4 2D videos and some cheap light and laser effects that could have just as easily been done on a Gear VR, let alone a high-end VR gaming PC! But that is not the biggest kick in the nuts! While you do get 4 dance-music experiences for £13.99 (I paid £9.09 because it was in a sale) you then have to pay a further £9.00 odd to get just one more which looks like the best one! So in total, you will be paying almost £20! While I praise the idea of this experience it is not something I will be recommending anytime soon. Maybe, things will change when all the other experiences are available, but for now, I suggest you avoid it.

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