Price at Time Of Review: £14.99 Comfort Rating: Red (Extreme Movement) Genre: Horror Supported Controllers: Oculus Touch Best Playing Position: Roomscale Multi-Player: Yes Age Rating: 15+
Description: Paris is under attack! Project TERMINUS offers a very gripping horror experience, far from easy jump scare, with a particular care given to the atmosphere, and a natural use of the VR interactions. It offers many elements taken from classic survivals and roots it in an engaging coop and solo story-driven campaign. The player has a backpack with limited storage, a flashlight with limited battery, etc. overall sparse supplies.
Review: It has to be said the potential levels with ‘Project Terminus VR’ are massive. The game itself is a zombie action game, with other horror elements thrown in for good measure. But I am sad to report that the game is not there yet. With juddery, often blurry graphics (it was the same for the PCVR version of the game) and hit-and-miss gameplay it needs a lot of work that is for sure. While ‘Project TERMINUS VR’ is an OK single-player game its true value is in the multiplayer mode. You will have way more fun playing it like this and to be honest, it is the only way you are going to get your money’s worth out of it. Yes, it is worth a look, but if you only plan to play on your own you will be better off waiting for a sale price.