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Pixel bomb! bomb!! (Steam VR)

Pixel bomb! bomb!! (Steam VR)

Pixel bomb! bomb!! (Steam VR)

System: Valve Index & HTC Vive
Price at Time Of Review: £1.99
Comfort Rating: Green
Genre: Action
Input: Tracked Motion Controllers
Best Playing Position: Sitting
Multi-Player: No
Age Rating: 15+
VR Shop Score 1/100: 50

Description: Long time ago, there was a beautiful Queen in Leroy Forest. The Queen was very narcissistic. She dressed up splendid every day and thought she was the fairest woman in the Forest. Every beautiful girl in the kingdom would lose good looks by the Queen’s curse. One of the Queen’s servants told the Queen, ‘ Princess Amara is most beautiful of all. She lived in a small kingdom at the edge of Leroy Forest.’ The Queen decided to send large elf troops taking amounts of delicious food to make Amara fat. You are a warrior selected by the empire. Now start saving Princess, and defeating the elves.

Review: Pixel bomb! bomb!! is an odd one that is for sure. If I had to describe it to someone I would say it is a very basic wave shooter, only instead of shooting zombies, you get to whack fruits and cakes. Yes, it really is that weird and while it isn’t the worse game I have ever played it certainly isn’t a good one. You do get two game modes at least which are classic mode which is an endless wave of enemies and you have to last as long as you can (trust me, you would have given up well before you die here) and there is arcade mode which is much the same, only you get bomb enemies you need to avoid. There might be some little ones out there who will enjoy this, but it most certainly wasn’t me. I would have liked this to be free, but even at a small cost it really is one to avoid.

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