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Think Oculus Was a Loss for Facebook? Time to Think Again!

Think Oculus Was a Loss for Facebook? Time to Think Again!

VR News: On paper, you could easily say Facebook’s acquisition of Oculus hasn’t really paid off yet and has turned out to be a bit of a money loss. But it seems things might be about to change. Travis Hoium from The Motley Fool looks into some numbers and finds out Facebook might soon see a return on their investment, provided they solve just a few small problems with VR as a whole.

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My Thoughts on this Story: What I like about this article is that it wasn’t all doom and gloom about the VR industry, in fact, I would go so far as to say it puts a positive spin on it! We all know the 2 main problems with VR are price and awareness and with the Oculus Go one of those problems is out the way (price), but with Oculus now promising to bring VR to more schools and classrooms the 2nd issue with VR (awareness) might one-day become a faded memory.

While its still obvious Oculus (Facebook) has its work cut out for it I think getting VR into classrooms and colleges all over the world is a great way to show people VR isn’t all about games and watching porn. Us VR fans know VR is a powerful tool in the educational sector as well as many other fields. But all the promotional work can’t be all down to us early adopters to the technology and having solved the cost issue it is nice to see Oculus getting out there and tooting VR’s merits as much as us VR fans have done over the past few years.

I would love to know what you think about this story in the comment below.

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