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Night Of The Living Dead VR (Steam VR)

Night Of The Living Dead VR (Steam VR)

Night Of The Living Dead VR (Steam VR)

System: Oculus Rift Only
Price at Time Of Review: Free
Comfort Rating: Green
Genre: Shooter
Input: Tracked Motion Controllers
Best Playing Position: Standing
Multi-Player: No
Age Rating: 15+
VR Shop Score 1/100: 25

Description: NOTD VR is an exploratory experience that captures the original spirit of the film in black and white, immersing users in a 3D recreation of the film’s farmhouse set. Exclusive interviews with film experts and original cast and crew enrich the experience with insights into the horror classic.

Review: Being a big horror fan I know ‘Night of the Living Dead’ is a much loved and even iconic zombie movie that deserves the respect it gets for many, many different reasons. ‘Night Of The Living Dead VR’ is an embarrassment to the movie and I am sure George A. Romero would spit on it, so out of respect so will I. The documentaries on the movie are pretty interesting, but the VR element is…well…its crap. In fact, I would rather this not be a playable app at all and just a 2D screen with the movies documentaries playing on it! This is at least free, but you can save yourself a load of time and just read up about the movie on Wikipedia rather than play this mess of a game.

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