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Moonstone Crossroads (Steam VR)

Moonstone Crossroads (Steam VR)

System: HTC Vive, Oculus Rift & Windows MR
Price at Time Of Review: £7.19
Comfort Rating: Yellow
Genre: Party Games
Input: Tracked Motion Controllers
Best Playing Position: Standing or Sitting
Multi-Player: No
Age Rating: PG
VR Shop Score 1/100: 85

Description: Welcome to Moonstone Crossroads! In this open world VR game, you will be able to “cross” between various in-depth activities such as farming, Driving, hunting, mini-games and more! You will take the role of an organic being among a world of mechanical beings. As an organic being, the inhabitants depend on you to be able to do most of the tasks they are unable to do. You can choose to try to master them all, or simply choose one road. The crossroads are only the beginning in: Moonstone Crossroads…

Review: Moonstone Crossroads is a farmyard themed series of mini-games in which you will be picking apples from a tree (and climbing the tree to get to them), shooting ducks, planting seeds and even going for a drive. The main idea of the game is to make your perfect farm and all the jobs that keep it going. On the whole, the game looks pretty good and while there is a lot of sparseness about the game it could grow to become something much bigger and better. I feel its easily worth the current £7.19 asking price, but it could do with a lot more personalisation options.

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