VR Shop Score – Gold Award
Genre: Educational
Price at Time Of Review: Free
Comfort Rating: Yellow (Mild Movement)
File Size: 78 MB
Input: Other
Best Playing Position: Sitting
Multi-Player: No
Age Rating: PG
Description: InMind is a short adventure with arcade elements designed for the Google Cardboard. It’s also playable without any special viewer. The game is totally free, as well as our new VR project InCell (http://incell.nivalvr.com). InMind allows the player to experience the journey into the patient’s brains in search of the neurons that cause mental disorders. Submerge into the microworld and experience the miracles of the human mind.
If you have to find some flaws with it, it would be the lack of Gamepad connectivity. Other than that this has to be one of the very best mobile VR apps there is and with so many of them on the market that is a tall claim indeed.