The VR Shop

VR, AR, MR and AI News and Reviews

InMind (Oculus Rift)

InMind (Oculus Rift)

InMind (Oculus Rift)

The VR Shop - Silver Award
Price at Time Of Review: £0.79 ($1)
Comfort Rating: Yellow (Mild Movement)
Genre: Educational
Supported Platforms: Oculus Rift, Rift S
Supported Controllers: Gamepad, Keyboard & mouse
Best Playing Position: Sitting
Multi-Player: No
Age Rating: PG


Description: This first demo allows the player to experience the journey into the patient’s brains in search of the neurons that cause mental disorder. Submerge into the microworld and experience the miracles of the human mind.

The future is nigh. The humanity is standing upon the brink of a new era where modern healthcare makes tremendous scientific advancements. With the help of nanotechnologies a surgical prototype bathyscaphe allows its operator to shrink to a microlevel and travel inside the patient’s body.

Review: You play the role of a doctor or possibly a VR surgeon who is tasked to help cure a patient suffering from a depressive disorder. Don’t worry, you won’t need to counsel the patient for years to get over like in real life, you just need to find and destroy 50 bad neurones that are causing the patient’s problems.

Much like the cardboard version, this is once again a fun-time shooter with amazing graphics (much better looking than the Google Cardboard version) and easy to pick up gameplay once again. While it is the same game it just feels faster, smoother and better on the Rift much as you would expect it to be.

The Rift version of InMind is by far the best looking, or maybe just the newest version of it that makes it look so polished. This was one of the first VR apps I ever played on the Google Cardboard and still today it is just as good to experience. While a little nauseating this is a great app to show friends and family the power of VR. It looks great, it’s educational and it’s all controlled with head movements meaning no complicated gamepad thingamajig for grandma to hold if she wants a look.

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