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Impromptu Vector Field Painter (Steam VR)

Impromptu Vector Field Painter (Steam VR)

Impromptu Vector Field Painter (Steam VR)

System: Valve Index, HTC Vive & Oculus Rift
Price at Time Of Review: £15.49
Comfort Rating: Green
Genre: Tool
Input: Tracked Motion Controllers
Best Playing Position: Standing
Multi-Player: No
Age Rating: 15+
VR Shop Score 1/100: 50

Description: A vector field is a uniform grid of vectors that can be used to influence the motion of particles. Basically, each point on a 3D grid imparts a force on nearby particles. Vector fields can be used to make super cool particle effects, but the fields aren’t easy to make themselves: typically fields are painstakingly authored by some arcane process in 3D software or by a generator script. Painting them in VR is much more intuitive. Vector Field Painter lets you do that, and is also usable with keyboard and mouse if you don’t have VR gear.

This tool lets you paint and visualise 3D vector fields in real-time, inspect the results from all directions, and save them out to a.FGA format for use in other software, or your own games. You can also import your own existing vector fields, modify them in the tool and save them out again. This could save you a lot of time if you’re already making use of vector fields, or make them more accessible to you if you aren’t yet.

Review: 99.99% of people reading this review will have no use whatsoever for ‘Impromptu Vector Field Painter’. But there will be someone out there that will find it an amazing and great use of VR. It is not a game nor is it much fun, but instead, this is an easier way to see vector fields move about in real-time rather than a complex algorithm to make them flow in the movement you need them to. Unless you already know and have a use for this app I really wouldn’t bother with it, but it is a good use of VR I suppose.

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