The VR Shop

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Imercyve: Living with Intellectual Disability (Steam VR)

Imercyve: Living with Intellectual Disability (Steam VR)

VR Shop Score – Silver Award

System: Valve Index, HTC Vive & Oculus Rift
Price at Time Of Review: TBA
Comfort Rating: Green
Genre: Interactive Experience
Input: Tracked Motion Controllers
Best Playing Position: Room-Scale
Multi-Player: No
Age Rating: PG


Description: It’s mid-morning, and the sun peaks through blinds into an open-plan kitchen and lounge. A darkened television reflects the rest of the room—a familiar place, a little unkempt and filled with everyday objects. What would it be like if this recognisable place suddenly became the backdrop for some very unfamiliar challenges?

Developed in partnership with support services not-for-profit Mercy Connect, this experience explores the efficacy of an immersive approach to strengthening communication and understanding between advocates and people with a disability by simulating a variety of effects that may be familiar to those with diverse and high care needs.

Review: ‘Imercyve: Living with Intellectual Disability’ is a semi-interesting app that tries to show you what it might be like to live with an Intellectual Disability. You get to perform seemingly simple tasks but they are made harder because of your Disability. It is kind of interesting I suppose, but this is a very short experience and you will be done in less than 10 minutes. But I do get that the money is going towards supporting the development of further apps on this subject. So for that reason, I do give it a silver award, but only for that reason as I really didn’t think this app when far enough to explain it and many of the stigmas people with it face on a day to day basis.

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