The VR Shop

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Hell Road VR (Steam VR)

Hell Road VR (Steam VR)

Hell Road VR (Steam VR)

VR Shop Score – Silver Award

System: Valve Index, HTC Vive, Oculus Rift & Windows MR
Price at Time Of Review: £15.49
Comfort Rating: Yellow (Mild Movement)
Genre: Endless Runner, Action
Input: Tracked Motion Controllers
Best Playing Position: Sitting
Multi-Player: No
Age Rating: 15+

Description: A VR motorbike ride through a post apocalyptic wasteland swarming with all kinds of zombies. Speed is the only thing that keeps you alive. Turn your bike into a metal beast with spikes and howling chainsaws to carve your way through!

Review: ‘Hell Road VR’ is probably one of the best endless runner style games I have played so far. You are playing on a motorcycle and need to get as far as you can before the zombies get you. So you ride at a set speed and have to stab, shot or explode various zombies out of the way all the while avoiding the obstacles in your path. When you first start playing this game you will find yourself getting into it. The action is fast, the gameplay fun and you will be having a whale of a time. But sadly that feeling will soon go as you start to realise you paid a whopping £15.49 for just 3 level which gets very boring is a short space of time. Sure, you could eke out more value from this game by challenging friends and family to beat your score, but apart from that, you will be left feeling short-changed. So do wait for a REALLY good sale before giving this a go, but do consider trying it as for a short while it is a blast to play.

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