The VR Shop

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Happy Drummer VR (Oculus Rift)

Happy Drummer VR (Steam VR)

Happy Drummer VR (Steam VR)The VR Shop - Silver Award
System: Valve Index & HTC Vive
Price at Time Of Review: £6.99
Comfort Rating: Green (No Movement)
Genre: Music and Rhythm
Input: Tracked Motion Controllers
Best Playing Position: Sitting
Multi-Player: No
Age Rating: PG

Description: Happy Drummer is a music VR game on HTC Vive. In the game, players are no longer just blocking something, but playing with the various drums and instruments, and be really part of the music! Along with more and more combos, all the world elements will be dancing around, including tribesmen, wild animals, rocks and trees, and even gods! We would like to let players feel that they are the Centre of the world, and bring along all the joy! Let’s become a god of drums, and there goes the whole world’s worship!

Happy Drummer is easy-to-play, you won’t see any UI in the game, you could truly interact with this virtual world. In the full version, we have 2 different types of scene, 8 pieces of original music with 3 difficulties in normal mode and 4 bonus music pieces in creation mode; once you finish it good performing, you could unlock the subsequent music. Please remember that only full combo makes you God of Drums. So, keep practising and enjoying yourself in the fantastic drum world!

Review: Happy Drummer VR is a tribal drums rhythm game that has some great scenery and some of the happiest dancing characters you will ever see. With a day and night setting, it doesn’t have a lot of choices, but it does help to set the mood properly. Sadly what it doesn’t have it pick-up-and-play gameplay. With ridiculously steep learning curve and terrible menu interface you are left feeling out of control and never sure what you are hitting on next, where it will take you or what might happen. Some of the songs are also hit and miss, but if that wasn’t annoying enough the rotating drums and missed beats are sure to send you over the edge. But…

When it is responding well to your movements and you have taken the time to learn the songs beats this game can be an awful lot of fun and strangely immersive. It’s just a shame it isn’t all the time. While I wouldn’t recommend getting it at its current asking price I would suggest picking it up in a half-price sale. Give this game a chance and it will entertain you, if sadly not for long.

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