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Frontier VR (Steam VR)

Frontier VR (Steam VR)

Frontier VR (Steam VR)

System: Valve Index & HTC Vive
Price at Time Of Review: £3.99
Comfort Rating: Green
Genre: Interactive Experience
Input: Tracked Motion Controllers
Best Playing Position: Standing
Multi-Player: No
Age Rating: PG
VR Shop Score 1/100: 10

Description: Frontier is a room-scale sandbox where you can enjoy a simple, colourful and immersive visit to the wild west! Play with guns and animals in three stylized environments in virtual reality. Discover a world bursting with life, from adorable bunnies hopping through the wilderness, to grizzly bears stalking you in the snow. Explore deserts brimming with colour, snowy woodlands with towering pines, and see the dawn of modern civilization in the bison inhabited great plains.

You can hunt a wide range of critters, but the wilderness also holds larger animals like deer, bison and grizzly bears! The sky is also dense with hawks, snowy owls and bursts of tiny birds. Every animal on the frontier has fully interactable (and sometimes even pickup-able) rag dolls, which thanks to the amazing quality of the HTC Vive, feel incredibly real. We recommend trying out the night time lighting, as the warm glow of your campsites lamp mixed with truly dark nights leads to some of the most immersive virtual reality we have experienced to date!

Review: Maybe there was some bigger, grander plan to Frontier VR and if there was I feel that I have missed it. This game is little more than a hunting game of cute animals and very little else. There is no survival element, no real exploratory element, in fact, there is just about nothing to do in this game! While you do at least get some variety in the environment you do nothing in it doesn’t really matter how many there are if there is nothing to do inside of them! Asking £3.99 for this is a joke, but if it ever becomes free and you have a sick mind wanting to kill cute animals, maybe give it a go.

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