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FreeFall 4K (VR) (Steam VR)

FreeFall 4K (VR) (Steam VR)

System: Valve Index, HTC Vive & Oculus Rift
Price at Time Of Review: £1.69
Comfort Rating: Yellow
Genre: Non-Interactive Experience
Input: Tracked Motion Controllers, Gamepad, Keyboard & Mouse
Best Playing Position: Sitting
Multi-Player: No
Age Rating: 15+
VR Shop Score 1/100: 60

Description: I have always wondered what would it feel like to find myself lost in space. From 2001: Space Odyssey to Gravity to ADR1FT, science-fiction media presented this scenario (often in first-person perspective) yet I could never feel like I truly experienced it. Now, with help of Virtual Reality, I am finally able to attempt and recreate the sensation – tumbling out of control in orbit of our home planet, Earth. Watched in stereoscopic 360° video, Freefall 4K is capable of fooling your senses, letting you experience this unique scenario for yourself.

Review: FreeFall 4K (VR) is a 360 experience that is not quite what I thought it would be. I was expecting a fall from space to earth, but that is not what you get here, it is as if you are an out of control satellite spinning around, but the good news is it isn’t too nauseating. And yes, it looks OK, if a little boring. At least it only lasts for a few minutes so you don’t have to hold on long. Someone might like to see this and the Earth below does look amazing, but nothing interesting or amazing happens which does leave you feeling a little empty.

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