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EmbodyMe Beta (Steam VR)

EmbodyMe Beta (Steam VR)

EmbodyMe Beta (Steam VR)

System: Valve Index, HTC Vive & Oculus Rift
Price at Time Of Review: Free
Comfort Rating: Green
Genre: Interactive Experience
Input: Tracked Motion Controllers
Best Playing Position: Standing
Multi-Player: No
Age Rating: 15+
VR Shop Score 1/100: 50

Description: Make a real hologram of Princess Leia from Star Wars! EmbodyMe is an application that lets you easily create a realistic avatar of yourself from a single photo of your face and communicate with people in various ways as if you were really talking to them in person. You are not limited to using your own image. With just one face photo, you can become any celebrity or friend, change your gender, and become whoever you want to be.

Your actual hand and body movement and facial expressions are recreated in real-time in the VR environment. Your avatar appears as if you are actually there. Not only can you interact with others just like in the real world by talking, shaking hands, and even punching each other, but you can do things that are impossible in reality like taking medicine that messes up your face, flying through the air with balloons, and getting shot by arrows. You can also take souvenir photos of your experiences with the people you meet, and upload videos of your singing and dancing to Facebook and Twitter.

Review: When used in the right way ‘EmbodyMe Beta’ is a good idea and would be great if used in the right VR or 3D social media platform. But just the fact that they suggest you upload your friend’s faces and see them is as weird as VR gets, in fact, it is probably bordering on the side of psychotic. What you do is you grab a picture of a face, upload it and stick it onto an avatar. There is very little else you can do, it is more of a test-bed for this sort of thing. Worth a look I suppose, just don’t make it too weird. At least is free, because I really couldn’t see anyone willing to pay money for it.

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