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ECHOES OF WAR: The Last Heartbeat (Steam VR)

ECHOES OF WAR: The Last Heartbeat (Steam VR)

ECHOES OF WAR: The Last Heartbeat (Steam VR)

System: Valve Index, HTC Vive & Oculus Rift
Price at Time Of Review: £5.19
Comfort Rating: Green
Genre: FPS (Static)
Input: Tracked Motion Controllers
Best Playing Position: Standing
Multi-Player: No
Age Rating: PG
VR Shop Score 1/100: 60

Description: The hundred years war was over, sentient machines that have threatened our very existence were finally defeated and spread across the outer rim with no means of interstellar travel. As centuries were passing by stories of war became tales, eventually, even memories faded and nothing but echoes remained.

You play as a military officer, serving on a deep-space research vessel sent to explore the farthest reaches of the galaxy, that has been shot down near an uncharted planetoid. After miraculously surviving the crash and being stranded alone on an alien planet, occupied by an Artificial Intelligence race, thought to be extinct for centuries, your only chance for survival is to repair your ship before you are overun by merciless machines. Repel countless waves of enemies using a large arsenal of weapons and by building or upgrading turrets while trying to send a distress signal back to Earth.

Review: ECHOES OF WAR: The Last Heartbeat is a pretty generic first-person wave shooter in which you must take down lots of missiles and other things that are heading towards you. At the start of things, it is quite a slow-paced affair and there is only one gun one hand so no dual-wielding in this game. As shooter go it’s not terrible, but there is only one scene and not much in the way of guns nor enemies so it gets boring very quickly. For a game costing £5.19, I expect a lot more than this game offers. It’s worth grabbing for a quid or two in a sale, but I wouldn’t pay much more than that.

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