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Double Play: 2-Player VR Baseball (Steam VR)

Double Play: 2-Player VR Baseball (Steam VR)

Double Play: 2-Player VR Baseball (Steam VR)

System: Valve Index, HTC Vive & Oculus Rift
Price at Time Of Review: £6.99
Comfort Rating: Green
Genre: Sports
Input: Tracked Motion Controllers
Best Playing Position: Standing
Multi-Player: Yes
Age Rating: PG
VR Shop Score 1/100: 65

Description: Double Play is a local two-player VR baseball game. One player pitches, one player hits, and AI fielders take care of the rest. Play through a complete game, taking turns hitting and pitching. The standard rules of baseball are at play: balls, strikes, fouls, home runs and more. Multiple skill level presets allow people of different ages and skills to play together.

As the batter, you’re fully immersed within the headset. Take your at-bats as the other player pitches. Well tuned physics makes hitting both realistic and controllable, but also approachable. Swing for the fences!

As the pitcher, you watch the batter on the monitor and throw toward it as if it’s home plate. Using one of the touch controllers, you control where the ball goes and how it gets there. Throw fastballs, curveballs, sinkers and more. Pitch inside the strike zone or out of it. Do whatever you can to make the batter miss!

Review: First up I feel I should applaud the developers of this game for trying something new. With one headset and two motion controllers, they have come up with an idea of a two-player game. But if you ask me it just doesn’t work and would have been better off being an online game with two people in two different VR headsets. As for the game itself, it is a two-player only baseball game in which you play one as the batter with one motion controller and a VR headset on and the other as the bowler with just one motion controller and a TV. It is fun to play, but also very basic with no control over the most simple of things like the number of innings. £6.99 is an awful lot for such a simple game and while I applaud the creativeness of it I can’t applaud its lack of value for money. So do wait for a really good sale before giving this one a go.

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