Price at Time Of Review: £8 ($10)
Comfort Rating: Green (No Movement)
Genre: Tool/App
Supported Platforms: Oculus Rift, Rift S
Supported Controllers: Keyboard & mouse, Oculus Remote, Gamepad, Oculus Touch
Best Playing Position: Standing, Sitting
Multi-Player: No
Age Rating: PG
Description: Deskverse is your space in virtual reality for work and play. Features include:
Your desktop in VR
– Project your desktop in VR, either on a cylinder or one plane per monitor
– Rotate each monitor edge to match your physical display positioning
– Precise positioning and rotation of your desktop
Your desktop in VR
– Project your desktop in VR, either on a cylinder or one plane per monitor
– Rotate each monitor edge to match your physical display positioning
– Precise positioning and rotation of your desktop
Review: Getting a good computer desktop in VR is pretty much essential for the future of VR and there are quite a few of these VR desktop apps out there. So what new features does Deskverse bring to the table? Quite a few in fact…
– Project your desktop in VR, either on a cylinder or one plane per monitor
– Rotate each monitor edge to match your physical display positioning
– Precise positioning and rotation of your desktop
– Dedicated video screen positioned independent of your desktop
– Plane, dome, and sphere projection options
– Video repeat with mark in/out to enjoy your favourite clips over and over
– Hardware accelerated video playback
– 3D side by side and over under stereoscopic modes
– Precise positioning and rotation of your video screen
– Customizable environment including your own custom skyboxes and stereoscopic skybox support (SRGB .DDS files)
– Rotate skyboxes on any axis
– Create multiple configurations to suit your tasks
– Mirror your VR headset to a separate window
– Capture screenshots with a press of a button
Phew! That is quite a lot of features. Controlling all those features couldn’t be easier. It loads a system menu onto your desktop then you control everything from there, using your mouse and keyboard, or there is touch controller support. It’s personalised display setup with multi-desktop options is where this app really comes into its own. You can display your desktop as a cylinder, as simple monitors or even have multiple monitors going around you! You can place them where you want and also swap them around with ease. It really couldn’t be any easier to use.
OK, so Deskverse doesn’t have many features that some other virtual desktop simulators have, but it’s multi-monitor setup and personalization features are to be applauded. It is also one of the easiest to use which makes it very user-friendly. Sure, more features might have been nice, but if you found yourself not enjoying other virtual desktop apps, give this one a go as it just might surprise you.