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Derora (Steam VR)

Derora (Steam VR)

Derora (Steam VR)

System: Valve Index, HTC Vive & Oculus Rift
Price at Time Of Review: £6.99
Comfort Rating: Red
Genre: Interactive Experience
Input: Tracked Motion Controllers
Best Playing Position: Standing
Multi-Player: No
Age Rating: PG
VR Shop Score 1/100: 75

Description: Designed solely for VR, Derora is a captivating puzzle game and competitive climbing experience where every play-through is different. Set in a mystical rainforest, you play as a baby bird whose egg has somehow fallen from its nest. Confused, alone and not yet able to fly, all seems lost. Your only option is to start the long ascent through the dense forest and get back to your nest. Create your own path through an immersive world, using mysterious glowing spores to aid your journey through each rainforest level. Discover hidden secrets, learn new ways to climb and go on an epic adventure set in a surreal rainforest world.

Review: We have seen many climbing games before, but Derora delivers it in a way you would have not seen before. You start most levels with a large cube filled with smaller blue cubes and using your little red cubes you will push those blue cubes about to make your own track to the finish. This gives the game amazing replay value and an element of strategy not seen before. While there is only a handful of levels you could always relay them over and over to eke out some extra life.

No matter how much kudos I give the developers for coming up with something original I still think the £6.99 asking price is WAY too much. But do keep an eye out for it in a sale as it is one of those games that will get your nod of approval, even if it doesn’t last that long. And there was I thinking original game ideas in VR were dead!

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