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Children of Colossus (Oculus Rift)

Children of Colossus (Steam VR)

Children of Colossus (Steam VR)

The VR Shop - Silver Award
System: Valve Index, HTC Vive & Oculus Rift
Price at Time Of Review: £3.99
Comfort Rating: Green (No Movement)
Genre: Action
Input: Tracked Motion Controllers
Best Playing Position: Standing
Multi-Player: No
Age Rating: 15+

Description: Children of Colossus is a VR action game for HTC Vive. The player will challenge 5 different colossus to win the opportunity for human’s development. All the player can rely on are one wand and one sword, he must move or squat to dodge the attack of colossus and take chance to attack the colossus weakness.

Since the beginning of the primitive era, human and colossus lived together. As the guardian of human, colossus helped mankind to resist the invasion and attack from natural disasters, flood, beasts and dark monsters. With the improvement of natural conditions, the human race grew stronger. Once as the guardian, colossus now has become the obstruction of human’s development because of their excessive consumption of natural resources. Human race wants to develop, colossus must be killed.

Review: Playing as a human you are tasked with fighting 5 different Colossus. You are given a sword in one hand and a wand in the other. This is no straight out shooter, you will have to move, squat and dodge just to get the smallest of attacks off. Sounds simple enough, but these Colossus are just that, they are colossal in size and VR is perfect for this type of game because it gives you that size depth that a screen never could. While I tell you these creatures are big, I mean bigger than anything you could imagine.

Starting off you are in a room with the Sword and a Staff. Picking up each will then allow you to go on and pick the Colossus you want to battle. With 3 stars up for grabs with each one. One for beating the Colossus, one for not getting hit once and one that is boss specific. Shooting your wand does loose “mana” but there is “mana” regen crystals that fall from the sky. Just battle, win and move on to the next boss fight!

If you enjoy games like Shadow of the Colossus on the PS2 or indeed any of the Colossus range of action-adventure games this will make you very happy indeed and while a little basic in looks the Colossus do look awesome and their large scale in VR makes them feel a lot scarier than you would imagine. Sadly this game is incredibly short and most people will finish it in under 30 mins, also the voice acting is pretty appealing and the Touch Controller integration is not perfect, feeling more like the HTC controllers. But at the end of the day, it doesn’t cost much and is the perfect showcase for VR’s perception of size. It’s not much of a game, but as an idea for a game, it is pretty awesome.

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