The VR Shop

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Bound (PSVR)

Bound (PSVR)

Bound (PSVR)

The VR Shop - Silver Award
System: PSVR 1
Price at Time Of Review: £15.99
Comfort Rating: Red (Extreme Movement)
Genre: Platform
Input: DualShock Controller
Best Playing Position: Sitting
Multi-Player: No
Age Rating: PG

Description: A pregnant woman walks barefoot on a beach/A young princess defends her surreal realm. A scribbled diary reminds her of the past/A land of fractals and strange geometries. A fractured memory of a fragile family/A balletic journey of impossible grace. A dance/a mission/a magical realm/a nightmare/an unfolding dream. Bound is all of these things. To be truly free, you must examine what binds you.

Review: You play the role of a ballerina as she explores and dances her way across many different worlds, often telling a story with her own moves. Sliding along with ribbons this dream-like game will appear confusing for a lot of people and simply beautiful to others. Using a Dualshock 4 controller it is pretty easy to control, but you also often feel out of control at the same time. It’s definitely one of those games that is better to watch than to play (In VR anyway).

Once again we are confronted with a normal game that has had a VR viewing option bolted onto it. There is no denying it, this game is incredible! But in VR it just makes you feel queasy and isn’t that immersive at all. Enjoyable yes, but certainly not something worth much attention. Please don’t get me wrong here, I am not slagging the game down as I really do love it, what I am saying is there was no need for this to be a VR game.

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