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Big Fish Games Is Making Virtual Reality Apps

Big Fish Games Is Making Virtual Reality Apps

Big Fish Games Is Making Virtual Reality Apps
Big Fish Games Is Making Virtual Reality Apps

VR News Flash: Announced by Rodela Carlos (who is Big Fish games social media and video producer) is 3 games heading to a mobile VR headset near you soon. Gummy Drop, Big Fish Casino, and Midnight Castle are the first to be updated into VR and that is a good start. But let’s face it, what we really want is a find ‘n’ seek game in VR, imagine how hard it would be to find something in 360° 3D?!?

With Big Fish games back catalog being filled with enough gems to fill a treasure chest, this is great news for the world of VR. Let us just hope it also encourages them to make dedicated virtual reality games as well as porting their old games into VR.

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