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Beware Of The Swarm Demo (Steam VR)

Beware Of The Swarm Demo (Steam VR)

Beware Of The Swarm Demo (Steam VR)

System: Valve Index & HTC Vive
Price at Time Of Review: Free
Comfort Rating: Green
Genre: Space Shooter
Input: Tracked Motion Controllers
Best Playing Position: Standing
Multi-Player: No
Age Rating: 15+
VR Shop Score 1/100: 5

Description: This is a demo for a game in development. Beware of the Swarm is a Space Dogfighter in Room Scale VR. In the full game you progress through a single-player campaign defending humanity from a powerful alien foe known as “the Swarm.” Beware of the Swarm is being designed for players using the HTC Vive or the Oculus Rift with Touch controllers. You control the direction and movement of your space ship using these motion controllers. These special VR controllers also operate your offensive weapons and your mineral collecting ability which is one of the core functions of your spaceship. It is highly unlikely you have ever played a game like this before. It is designed specifically for VR and the controls are adapted to fully engage you.

Review: Beware Of The Swarm Demo is of course a demo of a full game that never materialized. But that is no bad thing because playing the demo it is VERY clear that it needed a lot of work before it was released. Who knows what happened here, all I know is that the demo is a pile of rubbish and the full game is not around so all I can do is rate this game on that said demo. Trust me when I tell you to save your time and don’t bother downloading it. Maybe it will be made one day and will be a lot better.

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