VR Shop – Silver Award
Price at Time Of Review: £22.99
Comfort Rating: Yellow (Mild Movement)
Genre: Action Shooter
Supported Controllers: Oculus Touch
Best Playing Position: Standing, Sitting, Roomscale
Multi-Player: No
Age Rating: PG
Description: Southern Italy, 1943. Fascist forces occupy your homeland. Using stealth, authentic weaponry, and your skilled marksmanship as an elite sniper, fight for the Italian Resistance in this exhilarating first-person shooter.
The game even has the gameplay hours to justify the price, just not the level of shine we all might have wanted. Sure there are a few other bugs and glitches but nothing that can’t easily be fixed. While I do recommend this game I also recommend you hold off buying it just a little while for an update or two. For me, the game feels rushed and not really cared about, but when you are paying £22.99 you want that level of polish. Strangely it does have to be said that this is better looking and feels better to play than the Steam VR version for some reason.