The VR Shop

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Wolves in the Walls (Oculus Quest)

Wolves in the Walls (Oculus Quest)

Wolves in the Walls (Oculus Quest)

VR Shop – Silver Award

Price at Time Of Review: £6.99
Comfort Rating: Green
Genre: Interactive Experience
Supported Controllers: Oculus Touch
Best Playing Position: Standing, Sitting, Roomscale
Multi-Player: No
Age Rating: PG


Description: What makes the noises we can’t explain? Eight-year-old Lucy is convinced it’s wolves. Her family is not so sure. But something has been stealing Mom’s jam, glitching Brother’s games, and howling over Dad’s music. Lucy desperately wants to warn them all, and she needs your help. Will you believe her? Because when the wolves do, in fact, come out of the walls, it’s all over.

Review: ‘Wolves in the Walls’ is an interactive experience in which you get to join a little girl and follow along with her storyline (no spoilers here). While it is mostly a cinematic experiance with no interactions there are some points in which you do get to interact and it does make it a surprisingly immersive experience. I loved the graphical style as well as all the voice acting, it was all so on point, but sadly you will finish this experience in less than 40 minutes which does make the price a little hard to swallow. Sure, for that length of time you are immersed, but with no replay value you will struggle to get value for money here, so waiting for a sale price is highly advised.

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