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Shelter in Place (Steam VR)

Shelter in Place (Steam VR)

Shelter in Place (Steam VR)

System: Valve Index, HTC Vive, Oculus Rift & Windows MR
Price at Time Of Review: Free
Comfort Rating: Green
Genre: Interactive Experience
Input: Tracked Motion Controllers
Best Playing Position: Standing
Multi-Player: No
Age Rating: PG
VR Shop Score 1/100: 70

Description: Shelter in Place is an open-ended virtual reality game in which users are stuck indefinitely in a virtual mansion. With no escape, the only thing for the player to do is explore more than 15 rooms containing mini-games that can provide hours of entertainment for all interests and ages.

You cannot leave the mansion but you can try to escape from the maze, which reconfigures each time you enter. You can also explore the Adventure Room with zip lines, climbing walls and giant trampolines. You can try the Shooting Gallery or Archery in an Old West Stockade. You can spray-paint graffiti in one room or paint in 3D in another. There is a music room, ping pong, and more.

Review: ‘Shelter in Place’ really is a wide mix of things, none of which is a game, but most of which could be turned into a game. From baseball to darts, climbing to shooting there really is more things to do in this one app than I have ever seen before, but there is just no challenge, nothing to keep you coming back to the game. Sure, its an OK looking bit of escapism, but very little else. If someone was new to VR this would be a good app to show them. The good news is it is free so maybe download it and keep it in the background, then when someone new to VR wants to try it maybe show them this.

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