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Pilot Rudder VR (Steam VR)

Pilot Rudder VR (Steam VR)

Pilot Rudder VR (Steam VR)

System: Valve Index, HTC Vive & Oculus Rift
Price at Time Of Review: £3.99
Comfort Rating: Yellow
Genre: Interactive Experience
Input: Tracked Motion Controllers
Best Playing Position: Sitting
Multi-Player: No
Age Rating: PG
VR Shop Score 1/100: 10

Description: It is time to go inside those old arcade machines and become the ultimate pilot. Grab your VR headset, a pair of motion controllers and get ready to take loads of passengers all around the world in a VR experience like no other. Pilot Rudder VR takes all the nostalgia for the old “how-far-can-you-go” arcade games and transforms it into an all-new immersive adventure where you have full control.

As in real life, pilots will face several challenges during their flights that can put the aircraft at risk. It will be up to you and your skills to avoid dangers like turbulence, lack of fuel or extreme cross-winds and arrive safely at your destination. Are you up to the challenge? With three different game modes, a plane customization system and a leaderboard league against other players, it is your time to become the ruler of the skies.

Review: Pilot Rudder VR describes itself as a “VR experience like no other” and I have to agree with it. But not in a good way! I agree with it because no other game has been this pointless and crap! It’s a flight simulator only you control a toy plane (it’s not supposed to be a toy one) along a thin corridor. There is no freedom here, almost zero gameplay, terrible graphics and the sound effects can’t offer any grace from the crapfest. If this was free I might have suggested you take a look, but until it is I would leave this to crash and burn on its own.

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