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Outpost L5 (Steam VR)

Outpost L5 (Steam VR)

Outpost L5 (Steam VR)

System: Valve Index, HTC Vive & Oculus Rift
Price at Time Of Review: £6.99
Comfort Rating: Red
Genre: Action
Input: Tracked Motion Controllers
Best Playing Position: Sitting
Multi-Player: No
Age Rating: PG
VR Shop Score 1/100: 60

Description: Outpost L5 is a planet defence game in virtual reality. Control a base at the Lagrange point L5, near Earth. It’s the last surviving battle station and you are in control of its remaining ships that stand between Earth and the Armada of Invading Aliens. Tackle wave upon wave of the ever-advancing enemy as they get closer and closer to the station. If they capture it, Earth is next. Hold out as long as you can.

Find Power Ups, Enhanced Weapons, Shields and even Extra Ships, but they won’t last long, so use them wisely. This classic arcade space shooter set in VR for the HTC Vive and Oculus Rift and will remind you of early 8 bit shooters. In first-person virtual reality, it brings a refreshing change to the old school arcade game. Climb to the top of the Steam High Score Leader Board and Defend Earth. Or it will be…Game Over!

Review: You probably don’t need me to tell you this, but ‘Outpost L5’ is a VR remake of the classic Space invaders. But in VR, of course, the same classic layout is now flat, in 3D and looks like it is actually taking place in space. While very retro the graphics are something I can’t really moan at. Sadly it is the gameplay that makes this game fall apart. ITs not bad for say, but it is just to…classic! It’s like the EXACT same game as we oldies played in the arcade and nothing has changed, only the player position. If you ask me for £6.99 I expect a whole lot more than that. If this game was a quid it might be worth a look, but I certainly wouldn’t pay anything more than that. A classic twist let down by being too classic.

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