The VR Shop

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Verti-Go Home! (PSVR)

Verti-Go Home! (PSVR)

Verti-Go Home! (PSVR)

System: PSVR
Price at Time Of Review: £9.99
Comfort Rating: Red
Genre: Endless Runner
Size: 1.28 GB
Best Playing Position: Sitting
Multi-Player: No
Age Rating: 15+
VR Shop Score 1/100: 85

Description: VERTI-GO HOME! is an endless runner, set in a 90s Space Western Universe. You fly through (and above) a tunnel, that you steer with your head, to avoid collisions with bizarre and dangerous obstacles. This is VR. The doors of perception are open. If you think you have seen it all… Enjoy the ride or VERTI-GO HOME!

Review: Are you sick of the same old style tunnel racers, going down endless tunnels with some holes and the odd block in the way…boring! VERTI-GO HOME is here and willing to take you on a tunnel racing game that goes on the trippiest ride you will ever see. With bones, animals and all manner of crazy things to avoid. In fact, the stranger they are the harder it can be to avoid them. The doors of perception are open. If you think you have seen it all… Enjoy the ride or VERTI-GO HOME! Well worth the money, especially if you get some friends around and do a score challenge.

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