The VR Shop

VR, AR, MR and AI News and Reviews

Dronihilation (Oculus Rift)

Dronihilation VR (Steam VR)

Dronihilation VR (Steam VR)The VR Shop - Silver Award
System: Valve Index, HTC Vive & Oculus Rift
Price at Time Of Review: £2.79
Comfort Rating: Green (No Movement)
Genre: FPS (Static)
Input: Tracked Motion Controllers
Best Playing Position: Standing
Multi-Player: No
Age Rating: PG

Description: Fighting drones have taken over the entire galaxy. Dronihilators are the last resistance of mankind. Prepare for battle and take the challenge of sharpening your target shooting skill to become the ultimate Dronihilator! You will be equipped with the main weapons of a Dronihilator: two laser guns that are capable of neutralizing the enemy with just a single well placed shot. Despite their powerful shot, the main weakness is the fact that a cooldown time is necessary after each gunfire. Using both weapons can really make the difference!

Review: Dronihilation is your classic VR shooter. You are given two laser guns (with no reloads or autofire) and told to shoot as many “drones” as you can. Obviously, things are not that simple and they dart around all over the place and some are basically flying bombs and will end the game if shot. While not exactly the deepest of games for a couple of quid you get a fun to play, easy to control shooter that does at least have a high score chart so you can challenge yourself against the world leaderboards or even set up a score challenge with friends via passing the headset to each of them. Sure, it could do with some scenery variety and maybe some variety in weapons, but it should keep you amused as it is for at least a little while meaning you might just about get your money worth from it.

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